Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the eastern shift of maritime areas worldwide

Minutes of the shareholders of CIMC:
Location: Ming Wah International Convention Centre, the Crystal Room
People: Board Members (Mai Boliang; Fu Yuning); more than a hundred representatives of the shareholders (Guangdong Development Fund E Fund more than a dozen family institutions and individual investors)
of the conference overview:
Fu Yuning first time in three years, the shareholders, that the problem regarded Mai Boliang respond well. Fu Yuning sets of shareholders in the synopsis 4 points.
First, the long-term shareholders of CIMC CIMC cause the aid given to the patient, show care for the cause of Set. Mai Boliang the hereafter with hope, vision for the hereafter good business sense Fu Yuning . The Board hopes to balance the motif of ​​shareholders, the financial crisis on the set, COSCO big impact in the collection vessel business affected many, but has been basically through the crisis, but also in the collection reflects the significance of achieving transformation.
Second, eight operations in the set of the cardinal line of the future transport and energy in the two blocks, and the collection container before the manufacture of which likened the development of its business model and business model are very different, such as the motorcar is entirely competitive industry, energy and marine areas of great people significance of the development of marine monster, how to do offshore fuel project, imbalance needs to be thought. We have discerned the famous offshore fuel contractors claim there have been mammoth circumstances, the Board conducted in the set into a full demonstration of marine.
Third, shareholders should pay more attention to the company's content. such as the shareholders of the real estate business answers, the process of urbanization in China and 20 years, 12 million people into the metropolis life, in a comprehensive set of advantages, making CIMC inevitable process of urbanization in the real estate business is causativeable preparation. real estate industry is brands are the situation, but have immediately the land of Set, government relations, should be reasonable route to shareholder value. the corporation reserves the connotation of the great challenges in human resources (across), it is precisely because of this through the eastern financial crisis and the global financial crisis.
Fourth, good corporate governance structure set long-term development of the basis. CIMC does not exist a single large shareholder, each shareholder of the checks and balances and let the set of healthy development. Board of Directors and management in the cause of promoting the process ahead, paid a great deal of effort, management ought be better praise, the conversion process in the afterward set of achievements will proceed.
II Marine
Mai Boliang:
maritime Set the intensity of the recent huge concern, because sea-based operators namely relatively feeble, Therefore, the energy ambition incline extra. in the set to do whether the maritime, then the set of the shackle in the globe economy, there ambition be important to heave the status, may be separately comprised in the state of sailor Twelve Five Year Plan, the state of sea development unprecedented degree of care.
Marine plans to forty million dollars profit, their own problems is to modify, lag in delivery problems need 1-2 years to complete. in the collection into the future to accelerate the Raffles of rectification, this have to be delivery of two semi-submersible platform.
sea work tough industry, government support is relatively large. Yantai municipal government of the land, start-up costs are a lot of support in the realization of the Zhuchaoyinfeng set in Yantai, structures a good platform of marine career, good prospects and good management, have accelerated the construction of Marine Research Institute. the future there will be dozens of Americans and Europeans (F & G staff) to work in China, consecutive integration , from conceptual design to the elementary design, and gradually stretched to the construction design, the marine serialization and standardization of production to a new level.
Marine's tactics is clear, into a rhythm, profitability will take time. Mak Good private decrees, from 2010 along, the collection of marine business into tall growth, world economic revitalization unless a mistake to judge.
Raffles: the set of Raffles Holdings to complete the process. a semi-submersible platform The value of 7-9 billion U.S. dollars, there are four near to complete, live spectacular, there are two closed next year.
large marine equipment, long cycle, the donation of Raffles afterward a short time of more than create their own a lot. spent a total of over 200 million U.S. dollars purchase less than originally planned. in the set with over three hundred million dollars to achieve controlled, adapting the terms of the procurement, to a controlling peg. large profits need time to integrate and cultivate the basis for the next five years , marine power will melodrama out. In addition, Raffles set of purchaser satisfaction from 30% before entering, raised to 65% last month, notwithstanding difficult, will continue to upgrade, upgrading is an important strategy in the set signs.
F & G: One of the world's altitude five devise firms, making the set in a large marine products to enhance the technical voice in the world have a huge impact marine areas, paired with the Marine Research Institute, Yantai, in technology on the integration and studying.
the three major Marine base, has a total area of ​​two square kilometers, respectively, in Zhifu Island, Hai Duong, Longkou treble shipyards. the future of marine low tide, will continue to consider acquisitions and other shipyards. F & G's acquisition also entered the final procedure, the chart agreement during the last stage of completion of the acquisition will be a short time.
TSC: drilling equipment in the field of company and chairman in enterprise technology, marine industry, with bigger and stronger this the root of TSC shares held in the collection of marine equipment in order to accelerate the localization process. TSC hosts in the field of marine development projects themselves.
worldwide, particularly for deep sea work, in the assembly to achieve world class, the value of the future, we should do first in the world, exceeding Singapore's Keppel, Samsung, Daewoo. Raffles marine areas in China is absolutely the first, Mai Boliang to accompany the National Energy Administration Zhang participate in the bbs time, visited the Raffles, the plan will have greater advantages.
the field of marine main rivals: Singapore and South Korea's antagonists have an convenience, the eastward shift of marine areas worldwide, but the set more orders in hand. Raffles are talking about the compact, 30 billion dollars, in a recent 2-3 Marine contract will be signed off,shanghai escort, oil prices rebounded more fast. at a time you have the aptitude to complete a set of semi-submersible platform delivery, can testify to the world in the set is very livestock (subtext is 2-3 this year, the platform may be announced orders).
Third, heavy truck
Mai Boliang:
2010 at the end of heavy trucks will be off the assembly line, the conveyance will be relatively substantial business growth, to achieve 300 billion in 2012 sales are expected.
abroad operations in the set of vehicles: vehicles, the U.S. business losses in Europe and USA is absolutely more difficult for stage,toronto escorts, the business is adjusting. European income throughout the year, closing a Dutch depot. adjust the way of two: First, adult countries in Europe, light balance, heavy set human, assembly remain in the U.S. and Europe, front-end research and development have shifted to China ; second important investment in Europe and America, and sale webs, reduce investment in nailed assets.
goal is a world-class ponderous truck, the general conception of C & C - so, foreign ponderous truck (Mercedes-Benz and Volvo) amount of 80 million human, in China set to add forces in use, such as the coupler Austria Yuchai engine tin afterward accomplish the European Six, transportation, axle, have accepted the most advanced .
:2007-2009, vehicle sales business in the tens of billions of roaming, the recovery of Europe in 2010 will lead to the continued growth of vehicles, by 2012, servant sales growth in the set to 200 million alternatively more.
four , energy, chemical
Mai Boliang:
LNG and gas order and permanence in equipment, filling stations and gas stations want to make a standardized product worldwide, petrol stations and other architectures to change the present state of non-standardized, multinational energy giants are very amused in this .2010 confident over billion.
TGE: to get a Portuguese in 2009 and Ningbo EPC contract, LNG industry is the world's golden era, the crew of the future years of a golden opportunity to have a mutual knowing. TGE crew in the set requirements to fire three projects simultaneously.
five real estate
Mai Boliang:
1996 年 to enter the real estate manufacture, but as many years go down, the set of the real estate business did no amplify much, yet has been production money. CIMC has been no emphasis aboard the property, maneuvers to develop the property as a panel. For example: the sea as the development of Shenzhen, the sometime Manhattan, the financial functional areas, the former Sea will convert a advertisement center. in the first set of some 55 million square meters of sea-land reserve (industrial land), will participate in the development of the sea ahead. Shekou Factory: Prince Edward Bay project Wharf, Shenzhen City, Prince Edward Bay to pack project, the accumulation will be contained. in the land bank set a lot of history, such as Shanghai will shake, there are two areas. the set of always their development. Land is the outcome of historical precipitation, a agreeable relationship with local governments. in the set Muller does no rely on way to land, merely on every city's industrial land of 20 square kilometers in total reserves. land value will return more to shareholders.
Mai Boliang: Go big inside, nine industries, 9 prototype of the framework of plate has been fashioned, likewise absence to often enrich the connotation. strategic plans have been relatively good results achieved today in the collection is not in the native set. wealthy in content is good, 2012, three hundred billion greenbacks bargains revenue goals are not change. energy industry, edible industry, are in line with the world development trend of the plate. CIMC update steering council was set up on each segment a unified layout and change. CIMC subsidiaries following spin-off also has the feasibility of learning . In adding, Mai Boliang namely the appreciation of the renminbi may be a slow process, set the industry in the appreciation of the renminbi is not acute to the product gross margin in the set is not depressed because of RMB appreciation.
In summary, the shareholders participate in the set representatives of shareholders additional, indicating that the set started to disburse attention in the transformation of institutional investors and individuals to increase at the same time cling to the set of the age shareholders of frenzied media attention is anticipated next month.
Mai Boliang has a passion to fight, the shareholders We look inward to. heavy truck's position and ability to convey future improvement Raffles is that we need continuous attention, because the set of all areas of the Group to enter the promising, but rivalry is ferocious, the future is the Competition The aptitude pool in the set and multi-market operations capability. compliant to wager on Mai Boliang executives under the presidency of the investors in the set, you can purchase, the current valuation of CIMC is indeed very low.
large vocation But the storm is full of rocks, as highlight the hopes and difficulties,worried center, which is present in the set.
the stock mart such as the sea, as the mediocre shareholders are constantly a hundred feet flex your idea, a dilemma,
behind caught shrimp is fleeing horrified the lobster, into the concerns were backward the Sharks are not bolted down fur left!
Why is this? is because you are fighting single!
ally all the Chinese investors, aid each additional, share the sea gold! < br> mm shares wealth companion members of the Friends of the recruitment of joint QQ team (81/300)
QQ group digit (consultation and trial edition): 94314385

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