Wednesday, April 27, 2011


About the Foundation Festival site
the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is well-known in the world, the largest one independent non-governmental environmental conservation organizations, founded 1961 Since, WWF has been committed to environmental conservation in the world with nearly 5.2 million supporters and a web spirited in more than 100 countries. In 1996 the establishment of its Beijing office.
WWF's work in China since 1980 The protection of monster pandas and their habitat, is the first carried out in China by the Chinese Government invited the protection of international non-governmental organizations.
WWF's mission is to stop the deterioration of the earth's natural context, the institution of human nice harmony with nature the future. To this end we are committed to:
defend the world's biological variety;
assure the sustainable use of renewable normal resources;
push to dwindle pollution and reduce wasteful expense of natural scenes action
Environmental Protection Association (C. Nature)
C.nature introduced by the Hong Kong Joint Link
Foundation and the mainland respect for nature, many eager entrepreneurs and community environmental non-profit organization sponsored by one of the workers to promote the natural charm and harmonious coexistence of nature and person, training people to advocate for nature and environmental awareness for the intention of
Rural Women Rural Women Cultural and Development Centre

Beijing Cultural Development Centre on Rural Women Development Center is a cultural improvement of rural women the overall goal of the development of non-governmental organizations.
nigh self-empowerment of rural women in China and development,toronto escort, civic awareness and gender awareness as a starting point, the use of participatory usages of organizations to carry out a massive digit of projects and activities, has been into a set of .
more back back more than one kilogram of

an kilogram more than the behind 1 kilogram introduced a new access to travel advocates, relaxed and cheerful with the way the public and peregrination attach, so that each passenger is You can travel to serve rural people, to alteration the world.
back more than one kilogram of material
exchange - the kids in the school together with games and activities, disseminate knowledge, share the delight
share - coming back in the 1KG. org Web site to share information to facilitate more people to participate in
1KG. org is participants in the back of one kilogram more than the public good self-management collaboration community
2004 年 4 months, the volunteers were put together to explore more than 600 rural schools for more information
ten thousand people participated in the ; the activities of train, and indirectly influence the population conservatively estimated to have over a million
2008 full year, more than 250 volunteers, charitable activities, and collected almost 400 new rural schools information
5.12 behind the earthquake, and more back one kilogram of the United Nations, over one hundred civilian society organizations, the establishment of the Sichuan catastrophe relief NGO joint office, collect and disseminate the value of relief supplies from the nation more than ten million yuan. subsequent release, alter forms of tents library, and 50 schools in supporting the library embark room and peruse for the misadventure areas to provide education and training schools and long-term service.

Firefly Firefly Online Student Network Student Introduction:
private student website, spontaneously fashioned at the consumers, including students in important seminaries and universities, there are always educate teachers, but too the go of ordinary people in all hikes of life
needy students in rustic districts chiefly for Western-funded and short-term duties to carry out advocate instructing activities.
remote western district to enhance the location of poor education,the additional premier Let them do the activities of the Chinese Navy, so as to enhance local education and sustainable evolution of other industries to beyond enhance the cause of socialist education, so namely they can feel the progress of society and times in the atmosphere, evoking their motivation and the pursuance of knowledge, set a affirmative attitude on life and achieve their life merits.
the same period, apt give them material help, for they opened a window and let them via us apt know Mount the outdoor globe
Chengdu Chengdu love love Baijie Shao:
China AIDS Assistance Foundation, the Bailey. Martin Foundation to support organizations through the love pearly gay Chinese Information Centre (ICCGL) to the movement center provided monetary support.
love white youth activity center in Chengdu, May 21, 2006 start. is love white in the Chinese mainland's second community center.
converge of the work centre is to provide AIDS consulting, mores, information services, and regional gay organizations and individuals on cultural and educational support. Activity Center has been conducting the the attention of youth people and welcome.
Chengdu Chengdu Blood Center Blood Center
was built in 1962, the Ministry of Health in 1994, accreditation by the National Blood Center of the provincial criteria beneath the Health Bureau of Chengdu . on blood collected 20 tons. is a blood collection and afford affair, blood transfusion research, secure blood for a modern training found for the blood center.
the geographical delivery of blood (Chengdu):
512 Watch Scheme
512 heart heart Watch Scheme Description:
center see program namely the China Youth Development Foundation and additional units to initiate and administer public projects. The project is proposed for the Wenchuan earthquake affected areas of 512 teachers and students in special long-term psychological rehabilitation services. project will psychological counseling, treatment services, and psychological exercising to address the earthquake psychological trouble teachers and students to help earthquake psychological service teacher education school, construction, professional services crew, Deyang, the regional schooling system to create the psychological work among the system and psychological services professional systems.
on January 9, 2009 Deyang, China Youth Foundation and the Department of Education signed the accession, mainly in the service work is divided into four:
(a) the cerebral health perception and scatter of missionary
( b) psychological rehabilitation support and services
(c) the establishment of the school system and mental health personnel work
(d) a positive behavioral support for the school system
in the influential philanthropy project appointed and prevalence, service prototype and uniqueness of the current access to the China Charity Award for the maximum caring character models.
the Protection of Animals Asia Foundation (AAF)
the Protection of Animals Asia Foundation Description:
founded in 1998, Animals Asia Foundation (AAF) is one improvement of beast survival environment for the purpose of non-profit charity, headquartered in Hong Kong, when in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam offices.
Animals Asia Foundation based in Asia, to improve the survival of animals in Asia The chief task for their own situation to end tyranny to animals, the establishment of people's respect for the ultimate purpose of animal.
WE DESIGN Description:
cross-cultural non-governmental organizations, hope to transcend boundaries, China and chart professionals interested in China to provide cross-platform.
new members contain architects, engineers, designers, artists, curators, academics and business people, they are very active in their respective fields, and highly correlated with China. these people, culture, design, and collision of East and West has a deep interest.
West WEST, and the East EAST, the first letter of the two English words to form a WE, it also said We would be a Republic of China based on the independent development and relief agencies, along marathon, gender, religious and political boundaries, and administration departments, community groups and the poor cooperation, work together to address poverty and make poverty adore and caring people. basic education, basic health, gender equivalence,toronto asian escort, AIDS, migrant workers and young education in manifold areas. At the same time, we also cooperate with scholars and unions to study the publish of China's development.
in China to share our implementation of the project experience and results of various studies, we have set up

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