Friday, April 22, 2011

tapered leaves. towering spruce high and straight

Ancient Sri Lanka Taiwan conservation area if the aggregate area of ​​nearly 1.5 square kilometers, is located 50 km Bayan Ul Town mountains, Mountains Mountains are small, autonomous district has now been included in the conservation area. Where 400 square kilometers forests, the water contains exceedingly wealthy, humidity ujimqin grasslands, for Ujimqin green barrier. Scenic pretty Four Seasons, known because its distinctive outlook. spring to either penetrate the mountain azalea, they tin elect wild fruit; summer season is immediately, we can always see: the brain full of vines coated approximately trees favor blotting out the sun, the foot is touching the gurgling brook, wild flowers unusual sweet; fall that the row of trees to make pigment, desirable; winter, the snow-capped, a particularly spectacular earth of snow and ice. here attracts a colossal number of writers, scholars and focus the lens for many photographers here.
ancient conservation place if the Sri Lanka Taiwan the maximum outstanding, while the number of the most majestic of the infinite mountains. in front of namely, if the antique Andean height of 1957 meters, Taishan is the maximum mountain in the Xilin Gol League, and this protected district is labeled after this mountain. If Sri Lanka is the ancient Mongolian Taishan, meaning fern, yellow, green onion mountain throughout the jungle. scarp in the spring Ding Dong, the ravine people feel faint, unfathomable, circled by mountains, the mountainous pinnacles. In this piece of the Grand Canyon, the most representative there to the digit of , the list of valley scenery, ambition make you have a sense of southern exposure.
protected areas, beast and plant resources are quite rich in many wild animal protection thrive here. There are twelve citizen Protection of Birds Great Bustard, whooper swans, 126 category have been logged; the second class state protection animal ruddy deer, lynx, Mongolian gazelle, etc., is actually a paradise for animals; In addition, a lofty degree of local plant category diversity, representative of the species are birch, deciduous pine, Pinus sylvestris, etc., but most notably to the number of spruce was. spruce is one of the rare species, which showed a pagoda-shaped tree, a meaningful leaf sprig pillows, narrowed leaves. towering spruce tall and straight, up to 20 meters, is a hello light, shade, cold, shallow-rooted evergreen trees. that it is, growth is slow, wood is light, delicate, straight grain, is the most rare of species in northern China. < br> noted Salle River along from the central area, fighting off hounding, wave shiny, Canruo jade. washed out of the large creek floodplain, marshes and additional wetlands tower head, more groundwater outcrop, the formation and stability of spring season spring, spring water sweet and pure, cool, is said to have magic eyes and fitness.
calm mountains, emerald tree, moving birds, water, everything attach so perfectly uniform, which is dynamic and static altogether fastening, is dissimilar of nature's magnetism of the pen. exposure to vast woodlands, hearing to the water tao pines, could better know the

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