Wednesday, April 27, 2011

tin do truly sustainable evolution do

Ignored, often the most important
12 classes Meng Xiangjie
present, the world has nearly 600 species of birds, 400 kinds of animals, 200 varieties of amphibians and reptiles, and 20,000 kinds of plants on the brim of extinction. Clock timer Each take a number, there is a biological evolution via millions of annuals lost forever from the globe, along to scientists estimated that deserving to the mighty interference of human activities, the modern rate of wastage of species faster than the natural extinction 1,000 times faster than the formation of 100 times, the rate of detriment of species a species a day to pile up the roughly one species per hour.
folk have do not care, no attention, but now tin not get the saddle. the normal surroundings, in a long time ago, is namely human depend ashore family life, agreeable achievements of our environment today, the same, today we have created today's environment. In the quondam, people do not splice importance to the environment, omitted and no right, but today bypass these things, has created the Unfortunately, the formation of damage, causing a big error. Sometimes we are overlooked, and maybe maximum essential, national Yiwang converge on evolution, but immediately, but changed to sustainable evolution, as we are immediately, can do actually sustainable evolution do?
reasons as the extinction of category, in addition to the natural history and irresistible natural calamity, there are people elements. principally the human predatory wildlife resources development and utilization. lustful acts of erasure of human the ecological environment of nature, is bound to jeopardize mankind itself.
Hollywood blockbuster, However, behind the delight of the excellent calamity has emulated. In afterward life, including the guiding role. misadventure shocked and fascinated national attention. a great number of scientists to learn the stars rapidly phoned the mystery of the tragedy. After reiterated investigations, the final truth: it was shot on position in St. George's troop in the abandon outdoor of Nevada, 200, there is a U.S. atomic mine test site,you've worked hard . Suddenly, a increase smoke into the sky to spread radioactive substance around, serious pollution of the St. George's abandon, was a outcome of the tragedy always the star terminal illness.
Nature is the only home to our survival, we predatory exploitation of nature is our indifference to life and nature. did not take protective amounts on the tentative base, which leads to the tragic necrosis of 91 stars, whether you do not protect nature, a threat to human survival.
natural species rapid reduce was for the destruction of the natural landscape,shanghai massage, the environment is not optimistic. the environment is closely related to our survival. destruction of nature is to ignore our existence. students, teachers, social guy,toronto escorts, let us act to protect our merely home it!

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