Wednesday, April 27, 2011

wishing namely students disburse extra consideration extraore far world

China Earth Day 422 -423 -425 Navy Day World Book Day Book Fair ,toronto escort
recently in Jinan, with students prepared the contents of six-party talks, would favor apt open a course movement classes such for this semester namely to learn the world's major some of the content, see to discern the world and adore a peaceful life fair the contents of either units have some adjoin with the six-party talks.
just a few days before North Korea fired a rocket had been condemned by the United Nations. North Korea take the initiative to retreat from the six-party talks. This is a typical learn of international relations, the six-party narrations is too very subtle.
such activities so as to devise experiments, 65 students in special and assured, so he asked his level to do this activity, the additional premier Let them do the activities of the Chinese Navy, Army Navy just 423 days. In some countries, the warships to China. let them concerned about the Navy bar. prepared students to purchase the latest newspapers, especially in relation to the contents of the Navy. Today, I have to buy Daily Evening News and 30 were just the cost. This will assure that every chart has a duplicate. is not the hope that students learn many. hope they have the sense to understand the news, merely also learn to learn, learn to focus on content related to those matters . I feel my students have such a sense of a someone big happens they will acquaint me before class. a few days before April 22 is Earth Day, Earth Day, students concerned about the content, the key is to look by environmental behavior , we have a lot of publicity does not make sense. especially the education of mini significance kids just chanting slogans, it is momentous that the action or .4 23 World Book Day, in the schoolroom with students similar to reading, the students brought me today the Ming Dynasty Volume 2 of those things .4 25 Open Book Fair in Jinan, hope to have more students to attend. at fewest have a sense of reading it. more meaningful than the empty school. next week, so he concluded, reading attach news about the Navy. The biggest hope is that when the November 11,shanghai escort, when Army Air Force, these babies still have a secondary school to learn the history of the Air Force is still able to calculate of them peruse those newspapers. also appreciate.
this This week has been content to begin with a study, just over to the third unit,International Day because Natural Disaster Reduction, only one earth. tin be thought to live in truce Make the end of a unit of study, hoping namely students pay extra care to more far world, cared approximately the planet we live. Third January to April is planting month, April to May is the month of environmental conservation and military, from May to June ashore wish of love. I ambition end my knowledge this semester. also, and command them goodbye, and another sent take them, I have been to remedy students as customers. because they were sooner alternatively after. I those grumbles is shortness of expiration of foul language and foul language. In truth, I was good as them. also numerous causes because it.

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